From Wales
(Paintings by Robert Heindel)
LA PRIMA VEZ (in Ladino, judeo-Spanish)
La prima vez ke te vidi
De tuz ojos me 'namori
La prima vez ke te vidi
De tuz ojos me 'namori
D'akel momento te ami
Fin a la tomba te amaré.
D'akel momento te ami
Fin a la tomba te amaré.
Aserkate me kerida
Salvadora de me vida
Aserkate me kerida
Salvadora de me vida
Descubrite i ávlame
Sekretos de la tu vida.
VEZ (translation into modern Spanish)
La primera vez que te vi
De tus ojos me emamoré
Desde entonces yo te amo
Y hasta la muerte te amaré.
Acércate amada mía
Salvadora de mi vida
Descubre i cuéntame
los secretos de tu vida.
THE FIRST TIME (translation into English)
The first
time I saw you
I fell in
love with your eyes.
Since then I been loving you
I will love you until the day I die.
I will love you until the day I die.
Come closer, my beloved,
My saviour, and tell me
All the secrets of your heart
This song is sung in Ladino, the Judeo-Spanish language spoken in Spain during the Middle Ages until the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. There are some 150.000 speakers remaining today in the world that speak it in communities in Israel, Turkey, Greece, the former Yugoslavia, Latin America, Mallorca etc.