Sunday, February 22, 2015


Jordi Savall, ‘El nuevo mundo. Folías criollas.’

Like the Chacona, described as an “American mulatto” by Miguel de Cervantes (La Ilustre Fregona), the great majority of musical forms which evolved after the “discovery” and the conquest of the New World retain that extraordinary mixture of Hispanic and Creole elements influenced by indigenous and African traditions. A new selection of “Sones y Folías Criollas” for singing and dancing has been recorded in conjunction with Montserrat Figueras and the instrumentalists and vocalists of La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hespèrion XXI, as well as a number of guest musicians from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico, including Tembembe Ensamble Continuo.

Música del Perú - El espíritu de la danza (1450 - 1630)

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